Monday, February 28, 2011

Recurring Dreams - Why Are They Happening?

Written by Dayna Winters

Recurring dreams are dreams that one experiences several times and can occur on and off for a period of days, weeks, or years. Repetitive nighttime visions differ very little each time they occur and the symbols, themes, and feelings that the dreams elicit tend to be the same every time the dreamer has another similar dream. Some dreams are intensely pleasant in nature while others can be rather upsetting and disturbing to the dreamer. Often times, it is the more upsetting and disturbing nighttime visions that are the most memorable for the individual.

Even though repeat dreams seem amazingly similar to the individual, no two dreams are precisely alike. There are a number of factors that will help in determining the variations between recurring dreams. First, a dreamer's ability to recall the dream plays an important role in being able to compare repetitive nighttime visions. Second, the individual's willingness to document dreams is also an important factor in discovering the meaning and variations between similar dreams. When an individual begins to document his or her dream experiences he or she will be able to further reflect on the symbols within the nighttime visions for a better overall understanding.

One should certainly question the time frame that recurring dreams began. If the dreams began occurring shortly after a traumatic event, the dreams may very well be related to the traumatic event in question. There are also perfectly mundane explanations for such nighttime visions in some cases. An illness might bring on repetitious dreams and after the illness is addressed the dreams disappear. Life stressors can also bring about theme-related nighttime visions: once the stressors are resolved, again the dreams cease. The latter scenarios need to be considered when seeking the reason for repetitious dreaming.

One of the cited reasons behind recurring dreams is the idea that the dreamer has an issue which requires some sort of resolution or remedy. Theme-related dreams will continue to happen again and again until the dreamer finally gets the gist of what the subconscious mind is attempting to convey through the secret language of nighttime visions. In many cases, when the dreamer implements a solution to the problem that plagues him or her, the theme-related dreams will diminish or cease.

Repetitious dreams can be equated to the frequent use of various symbols in literature. For example, when an author creates a story and includes a number of symbols again and again, these symbols often contain a common theme. Through symbols the author is conveying a message which is meant to enrich the reader's experience. As it is with literature, so it is with recurring dreams; the repetitious introduction of symbols is meant to enrich the understanding of the dreamer. Repeated messages also serve as an alarm for the individual: a cue that it is time to pay attention.

Simply choosing to forget about repeat dreams will not usually make the dreams cease. If the dreamer finds the repetitious dreams somewhat disturbing, he or she owes it to him or herself to determine why such dreams are occurring. Often times, after discovering the meaning of repetitive dreams, the dreams will diminish in occurrence or stop all together; this is the dreamer's subconscious acknowledging that the important message has been received.

Many individuals have experiences with theme-related dreams and it is more than worth it to have the dreams evaluated so that their meaning can be explicated and discovered. Some theories suggest that recurring nighttime visions may be a side effect which accompanies a psychological disorder like post traumatic stress disorder, and in such instances it is always wise to seek out the counsel of a qualified professional. In other instances, the repeating nighttime visions may merely be attempting to convey a single, important message to the dreamer.

Dayna Winters is a professional editor, writer, dream consultant/interpreter, and the creator of DreamMaster.
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