Friday, February 25, 2011

What are ghosts? Several theories and ghost hunting techniques are explained here

Nearly as far back as recorded history goes there have been reports of ghostly apparitions.  People have reported seeing, feeling, even physically interacting with the spirits of the dead.  Assuming the millions of reports over thousands of years aren’t made by crazy people or downright liars, just what, then, is a ghost?

Most agree that a ghost is the spirit, the very consciousness, of what was once a living human being.  This person’s personality, for whatever reason, is still imprinted upon our environment, either because of unfinished business during their lifetime, or perhaps because they simply don’t know they’re dead.  But even if we knew exactly what a ghost is, do we know what they are made of?

II.  What Is A Ghost Made Of?
Many witnesses report ghostly apparitions in a variety of ways.  Some are seen as ethereal or almost mist-like, while others seem to be very solid, as if they are actual people.  But other times, only the sound or even the smell of a ghost is reported.  With all these different forms a ghost may take, just what could possibly make them up?
The answer possibly lies in a form of energy which is not only around us all the time, but inside of us as well.  Electromagnetism is everywhere and its force is responsible for just about everything we know.  Not only does it keep our hearts beating and our muscles moving, its very energy holds our cells together.  Without it, we wouldn’t be solid flesh and bone at all, but likely a puddle of fluid.
Electromagnetism keeps our Earth spinning, keeps our soda carbonated, our televisions running….it is everywhere!  But what does this have to do with ghosts?
One of the main principles of thermodynamics (the study of energy) says that energy cannot be destroyed, it simply takes another form.  Instead of simply dissolving, it either goes into the atmosphere or becomes a part of something else entirely.  Since we know everything around us, including our very bodies, are composed of electromagnetism, it is very possible that a ghost is made up of the same thing, albeit in somewhat different amounts and of differing levels of stabilization.
Though this is certainly not proven, it is an interesting theory.  One that seems to be rooted in known scientific facts.  But even if it is true that ghosts are a form of electromagnetic energy, it doesn’t necessarily explain how they are imprinted upon our environment.  For that, we look toward tape recorders.
III.  Imprints
You can go to any Radio Shack in the country and buy a standard cassette player.  If you open up the tape deck and look inside, you’ll see all kinds of tiny gadgets and mechanical instruments.  It is here that we may someday find the precise answer to how the spirit of a once living human being stays behind.
One of the most important components in a tape recorder are the pair of electromagnets inside.  These electromagnets get their signal from the microphone and translate that energy in what is called a magnetic flux.  When you record, that magnetic flux is copied, or “remembered,” on that side of the cassette tape.  Now, let’s say you wanted to make a copy of that tape.  By copying your recording onto another cassette, you have literally transferred the magnetic flux and imprinted it on your second tape.  If environmental conditions are right, could events of the past, or even a once living person’s mind, be copied, or imprinted, upon the area via electromagnetic resonance?
For this theory to be true, it would mean that memories and consciousness would be preserved, but no new memories or experiences would be retained.  Think about it.  The recording you make on a cassette deck is not on the deck itself, but on the tape.  It is play only.  The same could be said of the ghost.  It is imprinted on the environment, maybe even interacting with us, but it would not retain anything new.  So, how do we communicate with it?  Well, many researchers and investigators believe voices from the spirit world are recorded using a process called EVP, or electronic voice phenomenon.  These are the voices we pick up on our recorders that we do not hear during the recording session.  But why does a recorder pick up the voice, and not our ears?
IV.  EVP and Communication
Communication from the spirit world is both a lesson in human biology and a return to electromagnetism and recordings.  First, biology.  How does a human being produce the voice that comes out of our mouths?  Simply put, we move air up from our lungs and past the exterior of our vocal cords, creating a vibration that elicits tone from our larynx.  The words are formed by the team of our tongue and lips, working in tandem to control air flow.
But this is when you are alive, and actually have the use of air, vocal cords, a larynx, etc.  The ghost is just condensed energy.  It doesn’t have use a voice.  Or does it?  While they may not have a tongue or lips, what they do possibly have is the ability to manipulate the microphone of our recording devices.
Microphones have a thin plastic diaphragm inside them that will vibrate a magnet and coil when introduced to sound vibrations.  And by the change of the position of the magnetic element and coil, it sends a signal to the tape recorder through electricity.  While we cannot say for sure if a ghost has the power to vibrate the plastic diaphragm, if they are indeed made of electromagnetic energy, wouldn’t it be feasible to theorize they can manipulate the magnetic mass and coil inside the microphone?  If so, your EVP is born.
V.  Cellular Memory and Memory Possession
Okay, we’ve talked about what ghosts are, what they’re made of, why they’re here and have given some idea of how they communicate.  But how, if we aren’t able to see the electromagnetism all around us, do people see ghosts?  How do we experience their presence?  For that we look to cellular memory and the theory of memory possession.
Think for a moment about the reports people make when it comes to ghosts.  Likely the most common form of haunting is the residual haunt.  And for that style of activity, there really is no ghost at all, but merely displaced energy that plays itself over and over.  But what if instead of just witnessing a residual style haunting, people actually experience them?  It is not at all uncommon for people to report feeling the emotions associated with the events being played out.  The sadness, for instance.  How does this happen?
Perhaps you are familiar with the stories of organ recipients all over the world who seem to take on some of the personality traits of the donor.  A man who was once only into rock n’ roll is now overcome by the sounds of Beethoven; and he later learns his kidney donor was a classical violinist.  Or a woman who hated sports who now finds herself cheering heavily for the Chicago Bears after her liver transplant, and comes to find out that her donor was a sports writer in the Chicago area.  It happens, and it is called cellular memory.  Doctors and scientists do not yet fully understand it, but it is a verified condition.  Somehow, someway, the cells in our organs are linked to our memories and personalities.
Now consider the theory many doctors and scientists have that electromagnetic charges link our brains and our hearts, actually making them capable of sharing information and data with each other.  If it is true that ghosts are electromagnetic energy imprinted on the environment, it stands to reason that if a person with an identical or similar brain wavelength as that of the energy field, it could electronically stimulate the proteins of our brain responsible for memories.  This would cause someone to not only experience the residual haunt visually, but also experience the emotions associated with it.  Fear, sadness, even extreme happiness have all been reported in conjunction with residual hauntings.  It is certainly a fascinating idea to consider.
VI.  Scientific Method and Conclusion
These are just a few of the many ongoing theories that paranormal researchers and investigators are working on.  Perhaps someday we will have enough data from the countless experiments where we can scientifically prove that ghosts exist.  And you, as a researcher and investigator yourself, can create your own theories, too.  Here is how to properly create and test hypotheses using scientific method.
Scientific method is defined as a systematic approach to observation, drawing conclusions, and testing hypotheses.  The approach has 5 steps.  They are:
1)  Identify an unsolved problem
2)  Form a hypothesis
3)  Test your hypothesis
4)  Collect and analyze the associated data
5)  Draw a conclusion.
The system is cyclical.  If at first your hypothesis is not proven, try try again.  But be prepared.  As you know, reports of ghostly activity have been around for thousands of years.  Nothing associated with an apparition has been proven as of yet.  That is why this field is still consider paranormal.  But it is only through continued hypothesizing and testing that we will eventually find the answers we seek.  Your assistance is needed.  Will you help?
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